
the music plays for you my friend

Angie by Tori Amos on Grooveshark

Listening to Tori Amos is like being transported hard and fast back into my 17 year old self. 
There is the same heart-shape, tender skin, quiet raw ache.
I don't listen to Tori much these days - it can be exhausting - but I do value those moments when the portal presents itself.
Music is power.
Thank you Amanda for helping me overcome my fear of 'the html' so that I can creep down / and share, a few more portals of the past and present variety - this one's for you!
And thank you too - to those who left comments ensuring its ease - appreciated!


they live there

"I have drawn my children and painted them endlessly and I cannot distinguish them from my soul. 

They live there."

Paintings: Mirka Mora



I'm really enjoying visiting blogs at the moment that offer a music console with a song to listen to while reading. It creates mood - and insight into the musical tastes of the blog's author. Pretty great way to discover new music too.
I first noticed it here, and then here - 
"where's she been?" I hear you say. 
Well - at times I can be a little slow on the uptake...

So I would love to add my own console to my posts too -  as further illustration. Problem is, my brain has been bent in half and turned in on itself trying to work out how. I know that there is a simple method - there must be - surely.... But the pain of the search has got the better of me.

So until I work it out I'm going to stick with the good old faithful utube link - where you get the whole kit 'n caboodle!

Today we attended a fundraiser for Daylesford Community Food Gardeners. There was music and wonderful food and catch ups with friends - and the MeltDown of a certain four year old - which progressed into the tremendous meltdown of the almost two year old.

Tomorrow is a new day.

How is your weekend going?


like a new friend

I found this beauty at the Sunday market. She's a limited addition print by artist Antonio Munatone - 1977 - edition 10 of 12. 
I've haven't been able to find anything on the artist - but the subject and I, well, we kinda feel like we know each other.
It's a wonderful thing - when you find a piece of art work that you know will always be with you - 
they feel like home and validation and relief - 
they are like a new friend that you have known for a long long time.

Do you have any particular pieces that you feel especially strongly about - hanging on your walls? Is there one special one that you daydream into on the days that you are feeling a little crappy - a little displaced - that helps you to revive?

Weekending :: the habit of being


it's not where you take things from - it's where you take them to

I pinned this on to one of my pinterest boards via every day dreamer yesterday - and given the number of times it's been repinned, it must be ringing true for many...

I came across this wonderful free beanie pattern on Ravelry a while back (if you want to give it a go - it doesn't hurt to add a few extra rows...). 
What I particularly love about this pattern, apart from being a quick knit and keeping heads warm, is this note that the creator of the pattern added at the end:

"feel free to distribute it, copy it, profit from it, learn from it, discard it, and/or share it. Pah! on copyrights that keep loved ones warm!"

 There is so much value in influence and the ideas shared by others (enhanced so much these days by the generosity of the blogosphere) - it is in everything we smell, hear, touch, read, feel, make, taste, share... - and we bring them all back to the place we stand and offer a different take on them.
A unique take because don't we all stand within a different space - even if it is just ever-so-slightly?

Celebrating thievery. What do you think?


mad moon rising

There are poetry magnets on our fridge!
I have been thinking about them for years - and now that they have arrived - well, it seems they have a bit to say....
It's a full moon tomorrow - he says (we have started a new communication - via our magnets) that he loves my mad moons. He is being generous!
Tomorrow those words are likely to be arranged into something else....entirely!

I visited a friend today (in this realm and the other) and listened to the voice and offerings of Eve Ensler.
I took note of my pulse rate and the heaviness of my brow - the nodding of my head, and thought - think on this, keep it, don't turn the page too quickly.

Do you have those moments? When you are moved or angered or inspired, driven and excited and you know that if you don't take the essence of that and move it into your life permanently - actively, then the day will close, the heart rate will level, the page will turn....

What do you do with those moments?