
it's not where you take things from - it's where you take them to

I pinned this on to one of my pinterest boards via every day dreamer yesterday - and given the number of times it's been repinned, it must be ringing true for many...

I came across this wonderful free beanie pattern on Ravelry a while back (if you want to give it a go - it doesn't hurt to add a few extra rows...). 
What I particularly love about this pattern, apart from being a quick knit and keeping heads warm, is this note that the creator of the pattern added at the end:

"feel free to distribute it, copy it, profit from it, learn from it, discard it, and/or share it. Pah! on copyrights that keep loved ones warm!"

 There is so much value in influence and the ideas shared by others (enhanced so much these days by the generosity of the blogosphere) - it is in everything we smell, hear, touch, read, feel, make, taste, share... - and we bring them all back to the place we stand and offer a different take on them.
A unique take because don't we all stand within a different space - even if it is just ever-so-slightly?

Celebrating thievery. What do you think?


  1. This is still a soft sore spot for me. My first book, an academic text, was plagiarised. About 95%. It broke my heart. But I agree with a lot of these sentiments, and blogs have been great for sharing and resharing.

    PS Hey Mika, not much this year, finishing off the thesis, working on a book, a research project and perhaps even a bubs? :) I can't wait to hear about your adventures.

  2. I do really appreciate the inspiration and positive vibe from the blogosphere - it inevitably cheers me up, even at the worst of times!

  3. agree, blogoshere gives much of inspiration. And the words of Jarmusch, they are perfect!

  4. love jim. i would have him over for dinner any day.

    Sometimes trying to be "authentic" can be paralysing.

    love the mish mash.


  5. hi there mika, groovy to meet you.

    i totally go with this sentiment, but it's meant in a creative way. i think some can misuse and abuse the spirit of it to actually make others people's work their own. i have a particular peeve about the lack of credit given to photos on the interwebs.

    making it your own is key.

    lovely blog.

    1. I agree with Monica that people can misuse the spirit of it...

      steal the inspiration not the product which was already created by the inspired. Just my opinion....

      So glad you came by to visit me! It's really nice to meet you! ~ B

  6. I completely agree with you....and what a wonderful place you have here.xxx

  7. This quote always reminds me of Austin Kleon's How to Steal Like an Artist . I'm increasingly frusterated by the "mine" mentality that has been so abundant recently in the art world. We're all inspired by eachother.

  8. oh
    what a perfect text!
    so happy to read this right now.
    thank you...

  9. as long as credit is duly given, I'm all for artistic 'theft' :)

  10. I think the thing that makes this work is humility. First, the humility to recognize that truly, we have nothing that we didn't receive, including ideas. Then, the humility to share the sources of our inspiration as we create.

    Thanks for introducing me to this quote... I especially like: authenticity is invaluable; originality is non-existent.

    Good to see you back in 2012! :)

  11. Vanisha - That is heart breaking!! I can see why it is a sore spot for you. Plagiarism is not only a million miles away from being anything close to creative influence - it is cowardly and cruel!
    What a wonderful year for you Vanisha!!

    Rooth - Yes I agree - blogs are incredible for inspiration, and i find that so often they focus on the positive.

    TC - Yep, thumbs up Jarmusch

    deux - well said! sometimes trying to think up something new is very straining... going with the influences of your environment seems to have so much more momentum

    monica - thanks for stopping by!! i absolutely agree! - and there are those who would chose to remove it from that context and the thieving becomes blatant and practiced, rather than absorbed into the senses.... not cool!

    Trish - thank you trish for visiting, it mean a lot to me!

    Sam - Thanks for stopping by Sam, and for the link!! And ditto!

    Sara - Lovely to see you hear again sara, i hope the new year is being kind to you so far! good to hear these words were what you needed!

    Hila - Ditto hila and thanks for visiting

    Heidi - thanks so much for stopping by! love your space! And these are beautiful words - humility to share - Yes

  12. Good morning Mika : )

    ideas should be for free. what one does with them is another matter...
    creativity has always an inspiration source. that source is ok to be used
    but never abused ; )

  13. So happy to meet you Mika! I have been perusing your space and it is so lovely!!! thanks for the link to the beanie pattern, I have been looking for something to make my husband and this is perfect!

    I remember seeing this on Pinterest too. It reminded me of Austin Kleon's How To Steal Like an Artist. And I see above in the comments that I'm not the only one!! My husband is also a creative and has taught me that if we all waited to create until that one original idea pops into our head, we may never ever get the chance to discover our own voice. We are meant to be inspired by other works/ideas/thoughts and interpret them in our own way, that is how we grow. Being out here in the blogosphere has done just that for me, and continues on a daily basis.

    Looking forward to getting to know your space better, and be inspired!!!

  14. Thanks a lot for your comment! i start following you, hope you'll follow me back!!! xoxo


  15. I completely agree hun.... to a certain extent. I Love how everyone can be influenced by anything and resubmitting ideas, thoughts and work SHOULD be celebrated but I think we must also remember to 'give credit where credit is due.' A little referencing to the source is just a respectfull thing to do ^_^ Sorry for the kinda blah comment lol, kinda hit a nerve because I've had works blatantly taken and plagiarised grrrrr.

    Eeli x

  16. This is a tough one. For me it seems a complicated issue and depends on the law of course, and each individual situation.

  17. I love this piece xox


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